Tuesday, June 5, 2007

How to increase your AdSense Revenue by 200%

I just came across this thread in Digital Point Forum that explains on how to increase your AdSense Revenue by 200% by filtering Made-For-AdSense (MFA) sites.

Two weeks ago, I discovered a great site showing the MFA site’s url. I added the links to my Competitive Ad Filter since there was no url before. I check my AdSense revenue daily and found out that my earnings were increasing. Since the number of clicks were not increasing, then, I realize that by filtering MFA sites I can earn even more per click.

All you have to do is go to AdsBlacklist.com and scroll to the bottom where you are asked to select your site’s Categories. Select them and click ‘Generate my new list’ to generate the Top 200 MFA sites for your Categories.

Now login to your Adsense account and enter these MFA sites to your Competitive Ad Filter to block them.

Now stay back and watch your revenue increase :)

AdsBlackList will teach you how to seek, recognize and filter low paying google ads which, in most cases, link to MFA (Made for Adsense) sites AND we will provide you with tools that will help you to substantly increase your AdSense revenue, all for free. Why would you seatle on taking $0.01 when you can boost it over $0.50 per click and double or triple your earnings ?!

I just added the MFA sites of my category and so don’t know if there was any improvent in the earnings.

Here is another tip on how to fight MFA sites.

Please do let me know if you see any improvement in your Adsense Revenue after using this tip.